Predicting Extreme Hurricane Winds in the United States We use a POT (Peaks over Threshold) model used to evaluate distribution of extreme winds within near coastal regions of the United States. Using maximum likelihood methods we estimate the return levels for various long range return periods for each coastal region. We show that the return levels depend on climate variables such as ENSO, and NAO. Finally we demonstrate the usefulness of the Bayesian approach with the POT model. We use this model to analyze the relationship between several sets of predictor and extreme hurricane winds. This model allows us to extend the historical record by incorporating measurement error and the use of a reference distribution for missing predictor values. ALSO, I will be discussing: 1. Alternative prior formulations for GPD parameters. (Non-informative priors are informative). 2. WinBUGS program and sampling methods 3. GPD/GEV sampling module in WinBUGS (If I get it working...) Dr. Thomas Jagger Florida State University Department of Geography