The "Statistical Analysis of Extremes in Geophysical Science" is a reading and seminar group with the aim of bringing atmospheric scientists and statisticians together to discuss how to investigate extreme values in weather, climate and socio-economic contexts; primarily through reading and discussing relevant papers, but also through seminars.
The next scheduled meeting for this group is TBD
Remote participation is sometimes possible, and when it is, we generally like to have at least two weeks advance notice. Send an email to Eric Gilleland to request remote participation.
Topics for this reading group may include:
- Extreme-value statistical theory
- Extremes in meteorology and/or climatology
- Societal impacts of extreme weather events
- Forecast verification for extreme events
- Software for statistics of extremes
Reading Group Schedule (2014)
The next scheduled meeting for this group is TBD
History of this Group
This group was started as a reading group by Philippe Naveau at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado in 2003 to augment a course he was teaching at the time on Extreme Value Analysis.
Rick Katz continued the group at NCAR for a few months, and then after a short hiatus, the group was re-formed in 2005 by Eric Gilleland and Rick Katz from NCAR and Dan Cooley who is now at Colorado State University. The idea at this time was to be a reading and working group with a focus on connecting extreme value analysis and possible applications between atmospheric scientists and statisticians.
The group has been meeting meeting off and on for the last several years, and more recently had shifted to a focus on much more applied papers. Currently, we are meeting together with North Carolina State University's extremes reading group, and are once again discussing more statistically technical papers.
To subscribe to this reading/seminar group's email list [click here].* Please also send an email to Eric Gilleland to explain who you are and why you want to be on the list to help protect against spam.
*No information is kept except your email address, and only to keep you informed about the group (meeting announcements, schedule/web changes, etc.). If you decide you do not want to be on the list, or you have been put on the list erroneously, send Eric Gilleland an email requesting to be taken off of the list.